If you have a passion for complex HMI projects and for the latest technology, and if your ambition is to work for a modern employer who offers plenty of benefits, and Software Engineering Jobs, then you’ve come to the right place.

We are looking for talented, dedicated employees and would welcome your application.


As the go-to people for HMI development, we are constantly on the lookout for talented newcomers who are keen to apply their skills, experience and creativity to advancing the challenging projects we undertake on behalf of our prestigious client base. Our core specialisms are the future of the automobile industry and of mobility. We aim to make you feel comfortable, to draw out your creative talent and to assist you in your personal and professional development. In our company, we establish the ideal conditions for you to achieve harmony in your career and private life.


We value your skills, experience and creativity, and we support you in your personal and professional development. With us, you can expect the many benefits of a modern company that allow you to pursue a healthy work-life balance.

software engineering jobs | benefits


We want to make sure that you feel good both physically and mentally, because at Paradox Cat it’s not just about work, but also about your well-being.

That’s why we offer you exclusive access to the EGYM Wellpass. With this benefit, you can choose from over 8000 fitness and wellness offers in Germany and Austria. Whether it’s a gym, yoga class, swimming pool or sauna – the choice is yours!

You also get access to numerous courses and 1:1 sessions at OpenUp – a platform for mental and emotional health.


Your development is in your hands!

At Paradox Cat, we understand that continuous training is the key to success. That’s why we offer every employee an annual training budget of €1,500. You can use this budget according to your individual needs. Whether it’s training courses, seminars, conferences or other educational events – you can choose what suits you best.

We believe in your ability to shape your own professional future. That’s why we leave it up to you to decide how you want to use your training budget. Whether you want to deepen your current skills or learn new skills to master future challenges – we will support you. At the same time, we also help you to find the right training opportunities.

With us, you are not just an employee, but a partner on your career path. We are here to support and encourage you at every step of your career.


Welcome to Munich/Ingolstadt/Bucharest – We support your move!

We know that moving can be a big change, especially if you’re coming from another city or even another country. That’s why we want to make this transition as smooth as possible for you.


Flexible and sustainable travel:

At Paradox Cat, we want to ensure that you can get to work flexibly and conveniently, while at the same time contributing to sustainable mobility. That’s why we offer various options:

You can choose between the Deutschlandticket for using public transportation or a job bike.


Sense of community is one of the core values at Paradox Cat. That’s why we regularly organize events that are not only fun, but also strengthen it.

Every year, we organize a summer party and a Christmas party where we celebrate the successes of the past year and we celebrate each other as a team.

In addition, each team organizes its own events throughout the year: from adventures in the climbing forest to exciting escape rooms and action-packed laser tag – there’s something for everyone at these events!

To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to take part in these team events, we support them with a budget. So you can look forward to great experiences with your colleagues without having to worry about the costs.

Lerne uns kennen







Hi, ich bin Max.

Seit etwas mehr als 3 Jahren bin ich nun schon bei Paradox Cat in der Personalabteilung. Von Anfang an fand ich es reizvoll, dass ich aufgrund flacher Hierarchien viel bewegen und entscheiden kann. Ich sehe, wie sich das Unternehmen entwickelt und stetig wächst. Die Aufgabenbereiche werden mit jedem Tag vielfältiger und bunter, das motiviert mich.

Table Header Table Header
30 Jahre
Fürs Team
immer ansprechbar, ich organisiere unsere Gaming Nights und Remote Coffee Breaks
Floorball, Bouldern, Videospiele, vegane Küche
Vegane Tex-Mex-Lasagne

Hi, ich bin Viktor.

Bei Paradox Cat motivieren mich am meisten die Kollegen. Wir alle sind Techies durch und durch, die etwas erreichen wollen und Spaß haben an Technologie getriebenen, coolen Projekten. Wir sind ein tolles Team, tauschen uns regelmäßig aus und lernen voneinander. Super finde ich die Hackathons, an denen wir gemeinsam teilnehmen. Ich bin seit 3 Jahren im Unternehmen und schätze es sehr, dass wir alle die Freiheit haben, innerhalb eines Projekts auch in neue Teilbereiche wechseln zu können und dass ich problemlos in Elternzeit gehen konnte.

Table Header Table Header
31 Jahre
Fürs Team
Ich teile stets mein Wissen und unterstütze die Kollegen
Leidenschaftlicher Musikliebhaber: ich höre Schallplatten, produziere eigene Musik, spiele E-Gitarre, bin Hobby-Tontechniker, außerdem Fitness-Studio und Skifahren
Familienleben mit meiner kleinen Tochter

Hi, ich bin Sarah.

Für mich ist es eine tolle Erfahrung, dass ich als Werkstudentin voll und ganz zum Team gehöre und wie eine fest angestellte Mitarbeiterin Verantwortung für meine eigenen Aufgabenbereiche trage. Ich habe die Möglichkeit, neue Ideen und Konzepte vorzustellen und kommuniziere mit allen auf Augenhöhe. Bei Paradox Cat bin ich seit November 2020 und arbeite aktuell in der HR-Abteilung im Recruiting.

Table Header Table Header
24 Jahre
Fürs Team
Ich bin immer hilfsbereit und bringe frische Ideen in die Abteilungen
Rennrad fahren, Lauftraining, Klavier und Gitarre spielen, Aquarelle malen
Kinderheim in Kenia, in dem ich selbst ein paar Monate gearbeitet habe
Asiatische Küche

Hi, ich bin Mano.

Am meisten begeistern mich bei Paradox Cat die gute Unternehmenskultur und die spannenden Projekte. Wir Entwickler sind ein tolles Team, wir tauschen uns ständig über die neuen Technologien in den Projekten aus und haben Spaß daran, den Automobil-Assistent der Zukunft zu entwickeln. Die Arbeit macht Spaß und ist immer eine Herausforderung, langweilig wird es nie! Mit dem Team war ich selbst während Corona in Kontakt und jetzt treffen wir uns auch wieder im Biergarten.

Table Header Table Header
32 Jahre
Fürs Team
Der Kontakt zu meinen Kollegen und der regelmäßige Austausch sind mir sehr wichtig
Fußball, Reisen, Technik
Die Familie und mein kleiner Sohn
Pasta in allen Formen und Varianten












Offices at Paradox Cat are bright, friendly and furnished exclusively modern. When selecting a location, we put great value on good reachability by private and public transportation. Sufficient shopping and leisure facilities in the areas surrounding our offices are another vital aspect in our decision process towards a new location.

However, our sites in Munich, Ingolstadt and Bucharest have even much more to offer:

Munich, with 1.5 million citizens, is the capital of Bavaria and a “metropolis with heart”. You will discover a strong economy, a wide range of cultural activities, but also relaxing get-togethers in a beer garden or on the riverbanks of the beautiful Isar. Munich is said to be a “village of millions”: Colorful and cosmopolitan on the one hand, but also family friendly, clean and safe on the other.

For Ingolstadt, an hour’s drive north of Munich, with its 140k citizens, applies basically the same as to Munich – just one step less turbulent, yet very attractive. Not least because of its history and medieval city center.

Both cities offer high quality of life and are popular with singles and families alike. Countries such as Switzerland, Austria and Italy, with their picturesque alpine peaks, mountain lakes and mediterranean beaches, are right on the doorstep.

Bucharest, rightfully called “Paris of the East”, is Romania’s capital and also the cultural and economic center of the country. Inspired by the warmhearted people, good educational institutions and a dynamic cultural scene, this vibrant capital city is an excellent location for our Paradox Cat office.

Recruiting Process Leading To Your Dream job


That’s the first step taken care of! Now it’s time for us to get to know each other better.

You will be given preliminary insight into our company, and you will learn something about us as an employer and about our corporate culture. We’ll show you what you can expect from us – and the qualities that we expect you to bring to the company, in order to make you feel comfortable with us.


If you are applying for a software developer position, we want to find out what kind of programmer you are, if your technical skills fit the position and where your strengths lie. This challenge is about your technical skills and how you approach difficult tasks. Most importantly, it’s about how much you enjoy taking on challenges! After the challenge, our software development team will contact you and give you feedback.


You will enjoy this interview because you will talk to one of our department managers. In the technical interview we want to find out what your ideas are, how you prefer to work and if your technical skills fit the position.


In the final interview, you will talk to your future line manager, answering any remaining important questions and planning your start and your first weeks together with us.

If everything goes well, all you have to do is sign the contract. Congratulations! Now you are part of the Paradox Cat team.

Recruitment Process Leading to your Dream Job

That’s the first step taken care of! Now it’s time for us to get to know each other better.

You will be given preliminary insight into our company, and you will learn something about us as an employer and about our corporate culture. We’ll show you what you can expect from us – and the qualities that we expect you to bring to the company, in order to make you feel comfortable with us.

If you are applying for a software developer position, we want to find out what kind of programmer you are, if your technical skills fit the position and where your strengths lie. This challenge is about your technical skills and how you approach difficult tasks. Most importantly, it’s about how much you enjoy taking on challenges! After the challenge, our software development team will contact you and give you feedback.

You will enjoy this interview because you will talk to one of our department managers. In the technical interview we want to find out what your ideas are, how you prefer to work and if your technical skills fit the position.

In the final interview, you will talk to your future line manager, answering any remaining important questions and planning your start and your first weeks together with us.

If everything goes well, all you have to do is sign the contract. Congratulations! Now you are part of the Paradox Cat team.


If you want to know more about our company and career opportunities, our P&C team is happy to hear from you!

software developer jobs | karriere kontakt career contact 2

Senior People &
Yulia Grasshoff

software developer jobs | karriere kontakt career contact 1

Team Lead
People & Culture 
Maximilian Eberle

software developer jobs | karriere kontakt 3 career contact 3

People &

Marius Michler


We are looking for Experts

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career karriere team